Geography & Family

Mansfield, Ohio USA

Mansfield, Ohio, USA 1980-1998

Columbus, Ohio, USA

Columbus, Ohio, USA 1998-2005

Ankara, Turkey

Ankara, Turkey 2006

Dresden, Germany

Dresden, Germany 2006-2011

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany 2011-Current

I was born in Mansfield, Ohio and spent my childhood there. I moved to Columbus, Ohio after graduating from high school and lived there for eight years. That is also where I went to University. I subsequently moved to Ankara, Turkey for almost a year before moving on to Dresden, Germany where my wife was attending University. We moved to Berlin in 2011 and have been in Germany's capital city since then.

Our Multicultural and Multi Lingual Family has created a environment of diverse perspectives

In addition to having lived in various countries, and having a deeper experience of various cultures, our family itself is quite international. There are diverse outlooks, experiences and perspectives that make up our family dynamics.

I speak English (native), German (fluent), a bit of Turkish, and very little Russian (mostly at the dinner table).